Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Week 4- Shadow and Light

I apologize for the late posting. I was on vacation out of state and had no internet or service what so ever. Here are my photos for Light and Shadow. The first two are a kind of experiment with reflection but now that I have them uploaded I do not like them, it's too cluttered and the top right corner is brighter than I want it to be. It is the same photo only cropped. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Theresa... judging by the hemlock all around you, you must be up north, perhaps in Maine?

    I really like the uncropped version more than the cropped one. In this context (darkness around the mirror) I don't find the light value to be too bright. Good seeing.

    My other favorite is the light coming through the window and curtain, and hitting the bed. The rustic stone wall and simple setting are evocative of earlier times. Nicely seen as well...

    The dappled light on the ground and the sunlight on the hemlock have more potential than we see here... Shooting in RAW mode would allow you much greater control over the highlights and how you would balance the light with the shadows in order to maximize expression.


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