Unfortunately because I am very well inland I did not have the chance to go out and visit a beach during the week. Instead I went out on hikes and to small waterfalls and waterholes and took what I could in those locations. I did have one photo, that I brought into Photoshop and edited some from my time abroad- taken at Brighton, England.
I found this assignment more difficult than I thought it was going to be. Although looking at the sea/water is beautiful it is hard to capture its beauty and unique movement on a digital camera sometimes. Unlike the last assignment I stuck to more subtle edits in Photoshop, such as the brightness, contrast, tone, and sharpness!
These are very good, Theresa... You understand the expressive and abstract potential of your subject, rather than recording it literally. You edits are good. The light in the last one is quite nice... to improve it further, I'd use the crop tool to rotate the horizon to be parallel to the top of the frame.